3 Easy Ways to Keep Your Refrigerator Running Efficiently

3 Easy Ways to Keep Your Refrigerator Running Efficiently

Well-maintained refrigerators not only extend its lifespan but also minimizes energy consumption, contributing to a greener and more cost-effective household. 

Ever wondered how to ensure that your trusty fridge continues to run efficiently, saving you money on energy bills and preserving your groceries for longer? 

Here are 3 simple methods to maintain your refrigerator at ease.

Keep refrigerator door closed at all times

Ensuring your refrigerator door is closed tightly is important, as this preserves the coolness of the appliance, and prevents warm air from entering.

Buildup of condensation happens when warm air comes into contact with the cold air inside, this not only affects the efficiency of the refrigerator but can also lead to spoilage of food due to inconsistent temperatures, affecting its quality.

Not to mention an overworking compressor and a higher electricity bill. It is also important to keep the door seals clean and have them replaced if you notice any cracks or splits as they prevent air leakage and maintain the efficiency of the refrigerator.

Clean your refrigerator regularly

As dirty coils can lead to reduced efficiency, regularly cleaning the condenser coils at the back or bottom of the fridge removes dust and debris, allowing your refrigerator to function normally in a hygienic state, ensuring food safety in a cleaner environment and maintaining a hygienic condition inside the refrigerator.

Clogged coils are unable to release heat efficiently, causing the compressor to work harder, consuming more energy and straining the entire appliance. Regular sanitation also prevents the growth of germs that may result in risks such as food poisoning.

Refrain from storing hot food

Storing hot food in your refrigerator raises the temperature inside, causing the appliance to work hard to regulate the temperature within. Direct contact of high temperatures on plastic surfaces will also release toxic substances that are harmful to the human body. As bacteria rapidly multiplies under high temperatures, there is a risk of foodborne illnesses upon consumption which will then lead to further consequences such as food poisoning.

A sudden rise in temperatures may overwork the cooling system, making it difficult to maintain a consistent temperature. Letting your food cool down to room temperature before storing them in the refrigerator is advisable.

Considering how we open and close our refrigerator multiple times a day, it is crucial to have it properly maintained to ensure smooth functioning for the long run. Implementing these straightforward tips can significantly improve your refrigerator’s energy efficiency and ultimately extend its lifespan, without having to worry or fuss over ensuring its smooth functioning. 

Otherwise, unless your appliance can function smoothly for a little longer, you can simply go on the VIDOLA App and seek help from our Titans, and let the experts take care of the problem. We are just a few clicks away from saving your day!

Here’s to a more efficient and long-lasting appliance!

About Author


The author is a home maintenance guru who offers quick tips and expert advice, transforming houses into havens with simplicity and style.